Understanding Your Market Needs

Water from rivers, lakes, aquifers, and even artificial reservoirs contain dirt, pathogens, and some minerals that cause incrustation. Converting natural water into drinking water entails a number of processes, from the removal of impurities and certain metals to post-treatment softening or mineralization. Residual and industrial effluents represent another great challenge, since these need to be treated to remove impurities. Take a look at Carmeuse Brasil’s products and find the best solution for your business and process.

Solutions to Meet Your Needs

We can help you achieve high treatment standards, making water safer for your consumers, with fewer heavy metal-based additives, and lower operating costs. Carmeuse Brasil’s products also facilitate the treatment of effluents for the removal of organic and inorganic materials and microorganisms, with the aim of avoiding the contamination of rivers, lakes, and oceans.