
The Use of Scrap Tires as a Source of Alternative Fuel

Tires have been a major problem for the environment and for human health. They serve as habitats for insects and can cause flooding.   A possible solution that reduces the environmental risk and...

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Limestone calcination: A few kinetic aspects

Some aspects of quicklime production from limestone are examined in this literature review.  The processes involved in the calcination reaction are examined, including the relative rates of the...

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The sintering in the limestone calcination process

A literature review of the processes involving the sintering of calcium oxide during calcination was established, including the relative rates and physical properties of the calcined products after...

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Horta Urbana

Test article/reference

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ultricies sem quis ullamcorper mattis. Morbi porta, turpis in semper tincidunt, est ligula egestas dui, sed tincidunt nisl ante et neque...

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